Personalize titles to connect with your audience

Article introductions should be concise to respect the reader’s time, clearly conveying the article’s purpose.

They should also motivate readers to continue reading by emphasizing the advantages of completing the article or what they stand to lose by not reading it.

The first H2 heading of the article

If this is an SEO article where the searcher is looking for one single answer, the answer should typically be provided below the first H2 to respect the reader’s time.

This is a callout box. I use it to highlight important text such as answers to questions, tips, key takeaways, or examples. I often bold the first few words to let the reader know what the text in this box is about.

Below is an unordered list, also known as a bullet-point list.

  • I like to make the dots or bullets bigger and give them a noticeable color.
  • I increase the vertical space between them to make them easier to read.
  • I use them to break up paragraphs and improve the reading experience.
  • They work best when each bullet point’s text is of similar length.

Regular paragraphs should be kept short. I typically have no more than two to three sentences per paragraph. This makes the article easier to read and increases the page’s ad revenue.

Pros and cons for the article’s subject

Notice I said “subject” and not just “product”. That’s because benefits and drawbacks can be helpful for many types of articles, not just product review articles.


  • Placing pros and cons in a box helps readers find them quickly.
  • Boxes also help break up the article, making it look better. This increases readability and trust.
  • Placing the labels to the left of the list items looks cleaner than placing everything vertically one after the other.


  • Don’t just use any red or green color for the icons. Choose colors that pair well with the brand.

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List item

Below is a style I call “List item details”. It’s a box that provides a list of details about a list item (typically, the list item is in an H2).


  • You can use it to include a list of features
  • It’s built using a WordPress “Group” block.

Cost: Free

Requirements: Just a little CSS

Delivery: Free within the US

The List item details box uses text with less line height and paragraphs with less bottom margin to compress the details into a smaller space.

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